jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

Happy New Year!!

Dear Partners:
First at all, I would like to apologize about our blog. It was closed some weeks ago, I don`t know why. But finally, we have it again.
These are the liks form our italian partner. Here you will find very nice videos and lirics form traditional italian songs. http://www.mindomo.com/view.htm?m=fffb763c7a2d48859f87619aa0172bf7
I hope to have our spanish video very soon.
Best regards

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

dancing video

Here is a video where we are dancing the Quadriglia. we are sorry for the bad quality of the video, we hope that you can have at lesat an idea.
Teachers Sonia, Silvia and pupils of year 4
Also here in Italy we are learning traditional songs and dances. Marina e Roberto, from the cultural association "La leggera" have helped us to dance the "Quadriglia", teaching us the steps and playing for us.

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012


Dear Partners:
Here you are some pics from our rehersals. These are our pupils from 6th. There are learning a lot from our local DANCER GROUP "EL LAGAR". I hope you like them!!!

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

A new school year

Dear Partners:
Here we are again. This is our last Comenius year, so we have to do our best. I`m sure about it!!!
We are working in our next product, a DVD about traditional songs and dances. It will be great!! As soon as we finished these dvds, they will be on our blog.
I encourage you to work hard, best regards, Carmen.

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012


These are some pics from our greatest moments in Ireland.
We spent a nice week with our Italian and Irish partners.
We will show you more pictures very soon!!!